The School of Missing Studies, led by artists Bik Van der Pol, is the second temporary master program at the Sandberg Instituut. The School of Missing Studies is also an ongoing project in collaboration with artists, thinkers, and architects, initiated by Bik Van der Pol, Srdjan Janović Weiss, and Sabine von Fischer in 2003. Since its initiation, the School of Missing Studies has functioned as a nomadic, collaborative platform for experimental study and research on the public environment, which is currently undergoing abrupt transitions. Under the roof of the Sandberg Instituut the project operated between 2013-15, as a one-off Temporary Master Program.


Liesbeth Bik (Director)
Jos van der Pol (Director)
Martine Zoeteman (Coordinator)


Abla el Bahrawy
Clare Butcher
Sofia Ceaser
Sanne Cobussen
Katinka de Jonge
Nikola Knezevic
Grace Kyne-Lilley
Mariana Lanari
Geert van Mil
Dina Ronĉević
Eloise Sweetman
Meir Tati
Luisa Ungar


Bik Van der Pol

Do You See the Signal?