Dominique Festa
Somebody Else is on the Moon
Synchronous Rotation
It takes the moon
approximately 28 days to revolve around the earth. It also takes the moon
28 days to complete a full rotation around its own axis. This is called synchronous rotation, which means that from Earth, we are only ever confronted with one side of the moon
. The other side, the far side, is turned away from us. Always. I wonder why? It seems too great a coincidence—this eternally dark
side of the moon
George H. Leonard’s Somebody Else is on the Moon
George H. Leonard wrote on the subject of the dark
side of the moon
in his 1977 book, Somebody Else is on the Moon
. An amateur astronomer, Leonard scrutinized thousands of photographs from NASA’s lunar
program for evidence of engineered structures on the Moon
’s surface. A selection of these are supplied in his book, alongside conversations with scientists, astronomers, and NASA insiders. Admittedly, the photographs are hard to make out: low-res reproductions of shots from the Apollo Moon
Missions and the Ranger, Orbiter, and Surveyor probes of the 1960s and 70s—I am also working off a shitty scan. Luckily, Leonard has provided ample hand-drawn sketches which give detail and dimension to the otherwise undecipherable photographic evidence.
The photographs (we’ll have to take his word for it), show countless intelligent interventions: repeating geometrical patterns, pipes and screws, enormous rigs and gears, metallic objects, lights, and sprays of vapor emitting from vents in crater walls. All this in support of his theory that an alien race occupies the moon
, living underground and in hiding, but leaving traces of their activity on the lunar
surface, in plain sight, were we only to look for them.
Dominique Festa
Somebody Else is on the Moon
An image of the surface of the inhabited moon in George H. Leonard 1977 book, Somebody Else is on the Moon.
Luna craters are inexplicably shallow; their floors are convex, as though meteorites, upon impact, disturb only a top layer of fine dust on the lunar
surface and are then obstructed by an incredibly strong, inner hull. This leads Leonard, and many others, to conclude that the Moon
is not a moon
at all, but a spacecraft parked in orbit around the earth, syphoning water from our oceans, dumping waste into our atmosphere. Perhaps a broken spacecraft, in the process of being mended, as evidenced by stitches that appear to patch ruptures in the lunar
Dominique Festa
Somebody Else is on the Moon
NASA images of the surface of the Moon.
A final experiment in the Apollo 12 mission saw their spent Lunar
Module crash into the Moon
. Seismic equipment installed for this purpose registered reverberations that lasted over an hour. The moon
“rang like a bell.”1 Like something hollow. The Hollow Moon
hypothesis, first proposed in H. G. Well’s 1901 book, The First Men in the Moon
, and later by Michael Vasin and Alexander Scherbakov of the Soviet Academy of Sciences in their 1970 article Is the Moon
the Creation of Alien Intelligence?, depicts the moon
as a planetoid hollowed out by intelligent life and driven into the Earth’s orbit.2 A similar, contemporary theory from BBC’s David Icke takes the moon
for an ancient and long abandoned space ship, the body of which could once have housed an entire nomadic civilization—a “Noah’s Arc of Intelligence.”3 Theories as to what became of this civilization build off of other theories contending that the Earth has been periodically visited, or might currently be populated by these aliens. In 2015, Crow777 observed a “lunar
wave”—an anomaly usually encountered with projected images—traverse the moon
. What we see night after night—that self same moon
, perpetually and irrationally turned towards us—is a hologram concealing an artificial station and alien civilization behind it.4
Skywatchers and the Decent Moon
In 2013-14 Darkskywatcher74 organized a number of Moon
monitoring sessions on Ustream. His goal was to collect enough participants around the globe to pick up video feed from where the last telescope left off, keeping a constant, live eye on the Moon
. Members of the community, some 1400 people, were invited to band together and monitor the Moon
for lunar
transient phenomena (LTP): UFO and meteor impact, lunar
waves, lights, shadows, and other anomalies. The project has since mostly fallen apart, but the sessions have been archived, and one can watch them too, albeit from the future, for the odd, seldom black speck moving fast as hell across the lunar
And one must watch, “Because NASA won’t do it.”5 This is the Darkskywatcher74 (DSW) slogan. A powerful call-to-arms that embodies the burden of responsibility felt by members of the fringe to uncover a truth held captive by whomever: scientific discourse, the high-high-higher-ups, aliens?
DSW seconds as an amateur news outlet with energies now directed towards following the Trump rallies of the US 2016 election campaign. The better, and still active channel is live space cam lunar
and solar, broadcast by Pgirnus out of Miami.6 Compared to the DSW Observatory or NASA’s ISS live stream, his is a quieter channel, with a smaller following; two to eighteen viewers tune in at any given time to either watch the Moon
or the Sun or the Star Trek reruns playing between feeds. The chat function is seldom used, and when it is, the discourse is incredibly wholesome—just the intermittent “great channel!” and “Merry Christmas y’all!”. Rather than record himself during live streams, which other observatories are prone to do, Pgirnus plays audio recordings from various radio programs; the content is thematically relevant (alien abductions, theories of synchronicity, the hybridization of humans and chimpanzees…) but he gives no introduction or contextualization to the audio. Who knows what we’re listening to or why, but it contributes to the ambience of the site as a late night respite tailored to the amateur astronomer, the sci-fi junkie, the chemtrail theorist, etc. It is beautifully curated.
The archived videos are given simple, pointed titles and nothing is ever capitalized: “bad seeing cond”, “camera dies again”, “decent views” or “dont waste your time looks terrible”. A person of economic diction, Pgrinus uses the time stamp to communicate with us the imperative and bare minimum. You can watch in real time as he erases “live 12/15” letter by letter and types out his dispatch, “never seen that b 4”, fixing spelling mistakes along the way, ultimately replacing the dispatch again with “live 12/15” or whatever date. The feed runs for 1-3 hours. If you can catch his chance messages, the sense of discovery is not dissimilar to having caught a glimpse of that odd, seldom black speck crossing the surface of the Moon
Dominique Festa
Somebody Else is on the Moon
NASA images of the surface of the Moon.
The Double
: An Uncanny Harbinger of Death?
The lack of information about the Moon
, and especially its far side, represents a profound void
in the picture we have of our universe. A void
that, again, does not appear empty, but merely obscured; a body of knowledge lying in wait for disclosure, shrouded in the coverup. And so attacked from the outside with popular epistemology
, using hacked data and cobbled-together equipment, the void
is plotted and mythologized by disparate factions. Their search is material. It manifests in hours and hours of footage of the Moon
(the same-ish Moon
, some nights cloudy and some nights clear), meticulous analysis of LTPs exposed through synthesis on YouTube, debates suspended eternally in comment sections and chatrooms, the silly Somebody Else is on the Moon
(by now discontinued, rare and expensive).
If the stories we come up with to explain the void
of the dark
side appease the emptiness, it is only for a moment. Ultimately, the stories are empty too. They dream up new terrors and punch out new holes. Just how benevolent are these aliens in the Moon
? Which perspective provides more comfort—the lone and unique planet Earth with its lone and unique life source or the many worlds and many lives promising the free transference of spiritual and scientific knowledge or else intergalactic warfare and mutual annihilation? Does this make the universe comprehensible or chaotic, meaningful or meaningless?
The Moon
is double
. On one side (d1) is the true Moon
, and on the other side (d2), a false moon
. If the true Moon
is the Moon
as it is popularly understood—Earth’s innocuous satellite—the false moon
could be any number of conceptions that threaten the sanctity of the popularly understood Moon
. It could be Leonard’s moon
, the hollow moon
, or the hologram of a moon
. For live space cam lunar
and solar, everything flips. The popularly understood Moon
is the false moon
—a lied about, covered-up, masqueraded moon
. But they appear the same, the Moon
we know and the false moon
, which is to say that what we see in the night sky are the distant, but familiar features of a singular Moon
Dominique Festa
Somebody Else is on the Moon
NASA images of the surface of the Moon.
What we don’t see, or rather, don’t necessarily recognize that we see, is the imprint of both conceptualizations of the Moon
on the Moon
. The other thing we do not know that we see is ourselves reflected in the Moon
. The double
exists by virtue of the to whom. Its doubleness—which appears singular—implicates us in the image of the moon
. But where exactly? Happily, Slavoj Žižek triangulates our precise location on the Moon
in his master work, The Parallax
View. The parallax
occurs when a distant object appears to move against a backdrop as it is viewed from changing perspectives. If you stare straight ahead at your outstretched arm and outstretched finger, moving your head from side to side, your finger moves too. From the right, it blocks from view the chair to your left, and from the left it blocks the view of your cat on the right. Or whatever is there with you, behind your finger. Žižek appropriates this phenomenon for his parallax
gap and reads it through Lacan: “The subject’s gaze
is always-already inscribed into the perceived object itself, in the guise of its ‘blind
spot’, that which is ‘in the object more than the object itself’, the point from which the object returns the gaze
.”1 The fact of the blind
spot implicates the subject in the constitution of the object, or to put it another way, the to whom is the dark
side of the Moon
. Like reality, the Moon
can never appear as a whole, but always incomplete, blighted by blindspots, dark
sides, to whoms.
Dominique Festa
Somebody Else is on the Moon
Illustration of the parallax gap, whereby the to whom is implicated by the dark side of the Moon and made double.
A Hyper Artificial Pink and Slippery Moon
When viewed through a telescope, the moon
ripples, like a mirage on the horizon. This is a consequence of atmospheric seeing where light is distorted as it travels through thermally turbulent atmosphere. This is why stars twinkle, why high heat is hazy, and why the Moon
sometimes appears liquid. Atmosphere also influences color, casting the Moon
in pink, green and yellow hues. Add to this the clouds which pass over the lunar
surface in quick succession and from out of the shadows, and as a consequence of this great contrast in value, the Moon
emerges each time brighter. It is not simply dark
and then light, off and then on; there is an emergent quality to the illumination of the Moon
as the clouds slip off and away, return and repeat. Sites on the Moon
, such as the Tyco and Copernicus craters, are bright against the lunar
seas, lit in a fashion not dissimilar to a time lapsed city turning on in its lights at night—a pocket of fiber-opticesque light that fans out towards the suburbs. Artificial, but resplendent. And you will see something there. You have to. The rippling, the noise on the footage, the changing light, provoke an optical confusion. The craters will invert. The lunar
sands will dance. Little grey men will tunnel out of the soil …
It is not for obvious reasons that the Moon
is best seen at night. For one thing, the night is painstakingly quiet. Leading by example, the night proceeds with prudent steps, heel-to-toe, heel-to-toe, hugging the baseboard where the floor is least likely to creak, operating cabinets and drawers with a sloth-like composure. We all follow suit—bleary eyed and stepping soft, charged with the nightly preservation of the sacrosanct silence. Sacrosanct sleeping. Lying down. Prostrate. Supine.
The night is base. It is the day stripped of light, color, noise, and whatever other activity. It falls quiet, does not distract the mind with extraneous stimuli. Clean. The night is supine. It is both a condition of the to whom (the paralyzed body) and also a performance of the to whom (the corporal mortification to arrive at or genuflection at the feet of a numinous double
). And the night is dark
of course. But not too dark
. Not with the Moon
seen from Miami fed through luminous screens into our bedrooms and basements. In the earliest hours of the morning, we commune with two to eighteen other sky watchers, looking for something we do not know. Something we will recognize by the long forgotten and wholly other. A seance across oceans, across screens, the lunar
and solar channel is a kind of paramediation, which we carry out night after night. Repeating the search taken up by our primitive ancestors and ancient astronomers. Simulating again this circumvention of the void
, like a terrible, profound, and endless déjà vu.
The night is dark
. But not so dark
as all that. Not with the Moon
keeping us company as we spin idiotically in our great void
. Until the telescope malfunctions, or our computers die, or Pgirnus turns off the feed and the screen goes dark
. We lose the Moon
, we lose the light. For sure, we toy with the idea of playing the next video from the archive (the rerun doesn’t do too much to shatter the illusion of the search), or of finding another live stream or whatever. But ehh, it is so early in the morning and I think we’re more tired than we know. Better to paw around for the bed. To lay down now, to shut our eyes. On our backs, in the dark
Theory," Ancient Aliens, 2011, accessed December 04, 2016,
-theory/ ↩ -
Leonard, G. H. Somebody Else Is On The
(Anacortes: R. S. Marshall, 2013), 66. ↩ -
Austin, Jon "David Icke claims the
is HOLLOW and built by ALIENS in crazy new theory"
-is-HOLLOW-and-built-by-ALIENS-in-crazy-new-theory.accessed. Accessed December 05, 2016 ↩ -
"Do You Believe the
is Real? Because Analysis Shows it Might be a Hologram"
-is-real-because-analysis-shows-it-might-be-a-hologram/. Accessed December 04, 2016. ↩ - ↩
-and-solar ↩ -
Slavoj Žižek, The
View (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006), 17. ↩
About the author
Dominique Festa graduated with the Sandberg Instituut's Materialisation in Art and Design Temporary Master program in 2017. She is currently based in Los Angeles, CA.